When it comes to customer experience, the best stories are those that give customers a personalized omnichannel journey. And leading companies are undergoing a CX transformation to deliver those experiences at scale – leveraging world-class technologies and empowering employees with the tools they need to excel. 

Knowing what customers want – and where customer experience is lagging – can help you know where to focus efforts this year. This blog looks at the top statistics every CX leader needs to know to gain a competitive advantage in 2023 and beyond. 

Loyalty is won or lost where customer expectations meet reality. 

Loyalty is won or lost where customer expectations meet reality. 


The State of Customer Experience, Genesys 2023  

The Connected Customer Experience, Genesys 2021 

Loyalty is won or lost where customer expectations meet reality. 

A poor employee experience is a risk to your top and bottom lines. 

A poor employee experience is a risk to your top and bottom lines. 


Customer Experience and the Future of Work, MIT Technology Review, 2022 

Human Values: The Operating System for a High-Performing Contact Center, Genesys, 2021

A poor employee experience is a risk to your top and bottom lines. 

The most valuable technologies right now are the ones that simplify the customer and employee experiences. 

The most valuable technologies right now are the ones that simplify the customer and employee experiences. 


The State of Customer Experience, Genesys 2023 

Customer Experience and the Future of Work, MIT Technology Review, 2022 

The Business Case for Empathy, Genesys 2022 

The most valuable technologies right now are the ones that simplify the customer and employee experiences. 

The Winning Advantage in CX 

The moral of this data story: In 2023 and beyond, organizations will win with empathy. That is, they’ll outpace competitors when they provide customer journeys that are both frictionless and relevant, engage their employees through personalized learning and development that advances their careers, and harness agile technologies that support both.    

 Source: Genesys

>>> Personalize better customer experience

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